Laura Scalzo is the author of two novels, The Speed of Light in Air, Water, and Glass, praised as “lyrical and insightful,” and American Arcadia, “a gorgeous riff of a New York City novel.” Her shorter work has appeared in various literary magazines including Had, Ellipsis Zine, Reflex Fiction, and the Grace & Gravity Series. She is the Chautauqua Institution Writer-in-Residence for Week Two of the 2023 Season. She lives in Washington, D.C. Dorothy Bakkenson (she/her) is an arboreal mammal adapted to the subterranean lifestyle. When she's not wiping dirt from her eyes or relocating spiders from corners too close to her bed, she writes. Come Spring 2023, she will hold both an MA in Literature, Culture, and Technology, as well as an MFA in Creative Writing from American University. |